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5 Steps to Immediately Take if You Were Accused of Sexual Assault in Texas
If you or a loved one have been accused of sexual assault or another sex crime, you may understandably be anxious and unsure how to handle the situation. Sex-related criminal offenses often carry especially harsh criminal penalties, not to mention the substantial damage such an accusation can do to one's personal and professional reputation.
Sexual assault is a felony criminal offense in Texas, and those convicted of sexual assault can face up to twenty years in prison. To increase your chances of avoiding conviction and the life-changing consequences that come with a conviction, take the following steps immediately.
Remain Silent and Do Not Talk to the Police
When you are questioned by police or other law enforcement officers, you have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer any questions without a lawyer present. You should politely decline to answer any questions until you have had an opportunity to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney.
Understand Your Rights
Many people who are accused of violent or sex-based offenses are treated as if they are guilty. However, everyone has the right to be presumed innocent until proven in the United States. Criminal defendants also have the right to avoid self-incriminating statements and to be represented by a lawyer. Make sure you understand your rights and do not let the police or anyone else bully you into giving up those rights.
Be Careful Who You Speak To About the Incident
Do not post anything on social media or make any statements to friends, family members, or co-workers about the incident until you have consulted with your attorney. Even if you are innocent, anything you say can and will be used against you in court. It is especially important to avoid contacting or visiting the person who accused you of assault. You may want to clear the air or even confront the person about the allegations he or she is levying against you. However, contacting the alleged victim can lead to further accusations and criminal charges.
Gather Evidence and Witnesses
If there are people who can verify your whereabouts during the alleged offense or offer information that demonstrates your innocence, get their contact information and give this information to your lawyer. Other evidence that may be useful in your defense includes photographs, emails and text messages, video footage from nearby cameras or other sources, work records, and receipts.
Find an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney
It is important to find an experienced criminal defense attorney who has successfully defended clients against allegations of sexual assault. An experienced lawyer will know the ins and outs of Texas law and can provide valuable advice throughout the criminal process. Your lawyer can protect your rights, build a strong defense on your behalf, and negotiate with prosecutors to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.
Contact our Austin Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer
Sex crimes are considered especially egregious and are punishable by long prison sentences in Texas. If you or a loved one were accused of sexual assault, rape, or a related offense, contact our skilled Austin criminal defense lawyer right away. Call 512-474-2222 for a free, confidential case evaluation.