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Austin Federal Child Pornography Charges Attorney

Travis County Lawyers Representing Clients Charged with Child Pornography Offenses
Being charged with a federal crime involving child pornography can be a deeply frightening and humiliating experience whether you are guilty or not. Irreparable damage to your career and reputation, long prison terms, severe fines, and lifelong placement on the national sex offenders registry are all possible consequences. All defendants are entitled to the same constitutional protections and a presumption of innocence, regardless of the nature of their charges.
Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC dedicated to ensuring that your rights are protected at every stage in your case. We strive to achieve fair and reasonable outcomes for all clients, whether they are charged with fraud, a drug crime, or a sex crime. To protect your reputation, freedom, and future, our lawyers are committed to putting forth your best possible defense without judgment.
Federal Child Pornography Defense Strategies
The legal issues surrounding the lewd depiction of minors are more nuanced than many realize. Building your defense may begin with a review of the materials alleged to be child pornography. The legal definition of what constitutes child pornography is not always abundantly clear, and in some cases is it possible to argue that the material you possessed falls outside that definition. Some artistic depictions, medical images, or certain types of non-sexualized images may be wrongfully alleged to be pornographic in nature.
Exploring the internet in modern times comes with risks, such as that you will be confronted with illegal materials, whether you intended to or not. Deception by a criminal actor can lead to the mistaken download or even distribution of child pornography. Or, the nature of pornographic material online may be represented by another person, who wrongfully claims that it depicts adults when a minor is in fact featured.
Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, understands that child pornography cases are not always what they seem, and will aggressively fight against these charges. Our attorneys will bring forth the best defenses possible on your behalf.
Child Pornography Possession or Distribution Defense in Georgetown
All federal offenses related to child pornography are extremely serious. Even a simple possession charge can have life-altering consequences. Those who are accused of distributing or producing child pornography are in even greater legal jeopardy. Further, the strong emotional reactions government officials and members of the public alike may experience when they hear about this type of accusation can create a sense that you have already been convicted, even if you have not even been formally charged yet.
Sentencing may be extraordinarily harsh, including decades in prison and lifetime registration as a sex offender. Being placed on this list may subject you to restrictions on where you can live, what type of work you can do, and even who you can interact with. Life does not go on as normal for a distributor or producer of child pornography after his sentence is completed.
Our lawyers will defend your rights throughout the criminal process and strive for a fair resolution to your charges. We believe that all accused persons are entitled to a strong legal defense, regardless of the charges.
Contact a Texas Defense Lawyer for Federal Child Pornography Charges
Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, represents clients charged with federal child pornography offenses and will fight to secure positive outcomes in these cases. Contact us online or call 512-474-2222 to arrange a free and confidential consultation. We serve clients throughout Texas from our convenient locations in Austin, Midland, and Georgetown.