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Austin Immigration Fraud Defense Attorney

Lawyers in Travis County for Those Charged with Federal Immigration Fraud
Immigration fraud can take on a variety of forms, but all of them are serious. This type of fraud is always prosecuted at the federal level because it involves the unlawful presence of a foreign citizen in the United States. Even U.S. citizens can be charged with immigration fraud when they help a foreign citizen fraudulently enter or remain in the country. For citizens, long prison sentences and six-figure fines can result. Immigrants, however, could be facing deportation if convicted.
The federal agencies who investigate immigration fraud have enormous resources at their disposal and will leave no stone unturned in investigating and prosecuting these cases. You will need an experienced legal defense team to protect your rights and resolve your charges fairly. Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, understand what is at stake for you and will fight for a positive outcome in your case.
Defense Against All Forms of Immigration Fraud
Anything from providing false information on immigration paperwork to some types of human trafficking can fall under the umbrella of immigration fraud. It is possible for an innocent mistake on paperwork to be mistaken for an attempt at fraud, or for a legitimate marriage to fall under scrutiny. Types of immigration fraud include:
- Sham marriage - A marriage that is entered into strictly for the purpose of gaining immigration benefits such as citizenship or continued legal presence for one party is referred to as a sham marriage. It is a type of fraud and carries up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
- False documentation - Providing false proof of citizenship or legal residence in the U.S. carries serious penalties. However, some people arrested for possessing fraudulent green cards or other documents are themselves victims of immigration scams. A skilled attorney may be able to bring this situation to light and fight for a fair outcome based on the fact that the defendant believed their documents to be legitimate.
- False information - Failing to provide complete and accurate information on all required paperwork and in all required interviews can result in a fraud charge.
The consequences of immigration fraud can be severe. Some types carry up to a 25-year prison sentence. For some, the possibility of deportation carries just as much dread as any possible prison sentence.
Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, will tailor our defense strategy based on your needs. If being able to remain in the U.S. is your top priority, it will be ours as well. We understand what may be at stake for those accused of immigration fraud and will fight for an outcome that is fair and reasonable.
Protecting Your Rights During Immigration Fraud Proceedings
Every criminal defendant in the U.S. is entitled to certain constitutional protections, regardless of immigration status. Our attorneys strive to ensure that no client's constitutional rights are violated at any stage in the investigations or proceedings. The field of constitutional law, especially as applied to immigration and immigration fraud cases can be a complex and evolving field. We assess each case for possible defenses based on constitutional rights and protections.
Speak With a Texas Immigration Fraud Attorney
Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, has over 50 years combined experience defending those accused of federal crimes, including immigration fraud. Contact our office by calling 512-474-2222 to arrange a free consultation. We serve Texas clients in Hays, Midland, Williamson, Travis, and all Texas Counties.