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Avoiding a DWI During Thanksgiving Weekend
Thanksgiving is usually the kickoff for the winter holiday season. Historically, the day before Thanksgiving is known as one of the busiest travel days of the year as travelers take to the roads and the sky to visit family and friends near and far. It is estimated that more than 40 million people take to the roads for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Because so many people travel “home” for the holiday, the long Thanksgiving weekend is also a time when many friends get together at local pubs and restaurants, celebrating with mini reunions. It is not uncommon at any of these gatherings for there to be alcohol served. Unfortunately, getting behind the wheel of a vehicle after drinking can quickly “squash” your Thanksgiving weekend plans and leave you facing serious drunk driving charges.
Thanksgiving Alcohol Data
According to national statistics, the night before Thanksgiving is one of the biggest drinking nights of the year. The beer sales in bars throughout the country spikes more than 270 percent, while the sales of hard liquor increases by almost 115 percent. The tremendous increase in the number of patrons out drinking has led to the day before the holiday to be dubbed “Blackout Wednesday” referencing the “blacking out” many people experience due to excessive drunkenness.
This also means a spike in the number of drunk drivers on the road. Tragically, it also means the number of alcohol-related car crashes. According to the National Safety Council, more than 800 victims have died in alcohol-related crashes during the Thanksgiving weekend over the past five years.
Avoiding a DWI Arrest
Before heading out to Thanksgiving celebrations with family or your favorite bar or club to meet up with friends, it’s important to have a plan in place to both stay safe and avoid a DWI arrest.
Given the above statistics, police will be out in full force over the holiday weekend looking for drunk drivers. Be aware that there will be all kinds of DWI checkpoints on Texas roads. If you are going to be drinking, know your limits and do not have more than one or two drinks, well before you are planning on driving. An even better plan if you are driving is to have a designated driver or take a cab or Uber to and from your destination.
The cost of a DWI conviction, both defending against the charges and the impact the conviction has on your personal and professional life, just is not worth the risk of having those few drinks and then driving home.
Call a Midland, TX Defense Attorney
If you have been arrested on DWI charges, there are still some potential legal defenses against the charges you may have. Call Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. at 512-474-2222 to meet with a skilled Austin, TX DWI attorney and find out how our firm can help.