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Can Being a “Sugar Baby” or “Sugar Daddy” Lead to Prostitution Charges?
You may have heard the term “sugar daddy” in reference to a wealthy older man who dates younger women. Websites like Seeking Arrangements facilitate these relationships through online profiles. The profiles on websites like these are often less than subtle. It is often heavily implied or even outright stated that the man is looking to exchange financial assistance for sexual contact. Many wonder if this type of exchange may be considered prostitution.
Texas Ranks Among the Top States for Sugar Daddy Arrangements
According to Seeking Arrangements, Texas ranks fifth in the nation for the highest number of “sugar babies” on the website. Although sugar babies may be men or women, the majority are women in their 20s. Many young women are loaded with student loan debt and other financial obligations. Many struggle to meet the financial demands with a typical entry-level job. Drawn by the promise of easy money and glamour, some of these women turn to “sugaring.” Basically, the woman agrees to go on dates with a man in exchange for money, gifts, or help paying the bills. Some insist that the arrangement is strictly about companionship while others admit that the relationship mainly involves exchanging sexual contact for money or property.
Is Being a Sugar Baby Illegal?
Dating partners of all ages often exchange gifts or help each other with financial obligations. This does not break the law. However, many sugar baby relationships do blur the lines between relationships and prostitution. In Texas, it is illegal to offer sexual conduct for money. It is also illegal to pay a fee for sexual conduct. Prostitution is a Class B misdemeanor punishable by a maximum fine of $2,000 and up to six months in jail. Solicitation, or paying for sex, is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by a maximum $4,000 fine and up to a year in jail.
If you have been charged with prostitution or solicitation after engaging in a “sugar relationship,” keep in mind that you have important rights. Among these rights is the right to consult with an attorney and to decline police questions until your attorney is present. Assert your rights by contacting a lawyer right away.
Contact an Austin Prostitution Defense Lawyer
If you were arrested and charged with a prostitution-related offense in Texas, you face significant criminal penalties and irreversible harm to your reputation. Contact a Midland criminal defense attorney from Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC for help defending yourself against these charges. Our skilled attorneys understand the complexities associated with prostitution charges and we are equipped to meet these challenges head-on. Call 512-474-2222 for a free, confidential consultation today.