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Does it Matter Who Hit First in Texas Family Violence Cases?
Family violence in Texas is a serious legal matter that requires careful examination of the evidence and circumstances involved. Understanding who hit first can significantly impact the outcome of a family violence case. Family violence cases are taken very seriously in Texas. If you are facing charges related to family violence, contact an experienced lawyer to help ensure your legal rights and interests are protected in your case.
The Role of Self-Defense
Texas law allows for self-defense to be an acceptable defense strategy in family violence cases. If the accused can establish that they acted in self-defense, it may result in reduced charges or even a dismissal of the charges. The question of who hit first becomes crucial in determining if the accused of family violence had reason to believe force was necessary to protect themselves from being attacked.
- Establishing credibility – If the accused can provide evidence or witnesses that support their claim that they were reacting to an immediate danger, it may be more believable that using force was necessary to protect themselves.
- Different levels of force – Texas law allows individuals to use reasonable and necessary force to protect themselves from harm. If the accused can demonstrate that they used the same amount of force in response to being attacked initially, it can further strengthen their argument of acting in self-defense.
Importance of Legal Representation
Navigating a family violence case in Texas requires the dedicated legal representation of a criminal defense attorney. They can thoroughly investigate the incident’s circumstances, gather evidence, and build a strong defense strategy. An experienced lawyer will carefully consider the details of who hit first to determine the most effective defense strategy. Your lawyer will also closely examine the evidence and any available documentation to uncover the truth about the incident and the alleged violence. Based on the evidence and circumstances, the attorney will develop a defense strategy that may involve arguing self-defense, disproving the prosecution’s case, or disputing the credibility of those involved in the matter.
Contact an Austin, Texas Family Violence Lawyer
Facing criminal charges can be very scary. However, you do not need to face these charges alone. Lawyers are available with experience in defending clients against serious criminal charges such as what you are facing now. Contact the experienced Midland, Texas family violence attorneys with Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. if you have been charged with family violence. Call 512-474-2222 for a free consultation.