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Examining Texas Rear-End Accidents
Rear-end car crashes account for a large percentage of car accidents. Several things can cause them and they can fall anywhere on the spectrum from causing minimal to severe damage and injury. This article will examine some of the more common causes of this type of accident and the kinds of injuries that typically happen as a result. If you have been rear-ended and you are now suffering, you should contact a knowledgeable Austin, TX personal injury attorney who can review your case and explain various options you may want to consider for recovering compensation
Why Do Rear-End Accidents Happen?
A common factor shared by most accidents is the fact that human beings were involved. Whether the driver made a mistake due to negligence or misjudgment, a passenger caused a distraction, a pedestrian constituted an obstacle on the road, or a person on a production line in a factory was responsible for a faulty auto part, the human factor in almost every accident cannot be denied. Beyond that, there are some common causes of rear-end car crashes, which include:
- Speeding: When someone is driving at excessive speed, they might notice a red light or other obstacle on the road ahead too late and be unable to stop their car quickly enough to avoid crashing into the car ahead.
- Tailing too closely behind the car ahead: Some cars drive too closely behind the cars in front of them. If the car ahead needs to come to an abrupt stop, the car that is tailing behind it too closely generally does not have enough time to stop without crashing into it.
- Distracted driving: Whether the driver is texting someone, trying to get their navigation app to give them directions to their destination, fiddling with the radio or air conditioning, trying to get a misplaced pacifier to a baby in the seat behind them, or lost in thought, distracted driving means that drivers are unable to react quickly enough to the road ahead, and are associated with a large number of rear-end crashes.
Common Rear-end Car Crash Injuries
The most common injury sustained in a rear-end crash is whiplash, which can result in muscle, tendon, or ligament damage, mostly in the neck. Victims of a rear-end accident also commonly sustain chest injuries - particularly in a high-speed rear-end collision that may cause the airbags to inflate - as well as spinal cord injury, back injury, fractures, concussions, and traumatic brain injuries.
Schedule a Free Consultation with a Texas Personal Injury Lawyer
If you have been rear-ended and you are now suffering injuries as a result, speak with a skilled Georgetown, TX rear-end collision attorney to see what options you have for recovering damages for the losses you faced. Whether your accident has you facing costly medical bills, time away from work, or expensive auto repair costs, the team at Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. will fight for you to get maximum compensation. Call us at 512-474-2222 to schedule a free consultation.