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How Can I Get My Driver’s License Back After a DWI?
In Texas, drunk driving is punishable by both criminal penalties and administrative consequences. If you were convicted of driving while intoxicated (DWI), the state can take your driver’s license away. Once your license is suspended, you are not allowed to drive. Diving any vehicle with a suspended driver’s license could lead to further criminal charges. If you lost your license because of a DWI, you may be able to reinstate your license and regain your legal ability to drive.
Steps to Take to Reinstate Driving Privileges After a Suspension
Each DWI case is different and the exact steps you must take to get your license back depend on the circumstances of your DWI offense, criminal history, and other factors. If you were convicted of DWI, you must pay reinstatement fees and submit paperwork to the Texas Department of Public Safety proving that they have taken the required steps. Many people accused of drunk driving or driving under the influence of drugs must complete an alcohol and drug education program. They may also be required to install an ignition interlock device on their vehicle. This device is like the breathalyzer or breath test used during a traffic stop. The driver blows into the device and the device measures the amount of alcohol on the driver’s breath. If the device detects alcohol, the vehicle will not start. If the device does not detect any alcohol on the driver’s breath, the car will start up normally.
You May Qualify for an Occupational License
Many people need to drive in order to get to work, attend school, or care for their children. Losing their license could incur substantial personal and financial hardship. Fortunately, there may be a way to regain the legal ability to drive after a DWI through an occupational license. An occupational driver’s license or essential need license is a license that allows you to drive for specific reasons, including driving to and from work or school or completing essential errands.
Contact an Austin Driver’s License Reinstatement Lawyer
Texas drunk driving charges can lead to driver’s license suspension. If you are facing DWI charges or your license was suspended because of a DWI, contact the Austin DWI defense attorneys with Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. for legal guidance. We can explain what you need to do to get your license back and help you take the required steps. Call our office at 512-474-2222 and set up a free consultation.