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Is Delta-8 Legal in Texas?
The current classification of cannabis and cannabis-derived products is a topic of confusion for most Texans. Though, it is a topic Texas inhabitants should be clear on as possession of marijuana and paraphernalia can warrant varying charges from misdemeanor to felony. As of the moment, cannabis-derived products that contain less than 0.3% of THC are legal in the state of Texas. As long as Delta-8 products do not exceed 0.3% of THC are not considered controlled substances. This contingency is fragile due to an ongoing lawsuit to determine the legal status of Delta-8.
Possibility Penalties
This fragile contingency is a good reason to get clear on the laws surrounding marijuana. As multiple states across America have legalized recreational use of marijuana, Texas has passed more lenient criminal penalties for possession. Not to be mistaken, possession of marijuana is still illegal, in fact, possession of two or less ounces of cannabis is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 180 days in prison and a maximum fine of two thousand dollars. Possession of four or more ounces of cannabis is a felony punishable by a minimum of two years imprisonment with a maximum fine of ten thousand dollars. Not only is marijuana illegal in the state of Texas, but possession of paraphernalia is also a misdemeanor punishable by a maximum fine of five hundred dollars. The sale of paraphernalia in Texas is a misdemeanor punishable by one year in prison and a maximum fine of four thousand dollars.
Contact Midland County Drug Defense Lawyers
If you have been charged with the possession of drugs, it is crucial to obtain legal help. A defense attorney is instrumental in understanding your rights in relation to a drug possession charge and can negotiate with prosecutors on your behalf. In consequence, a skilled attorney could possibly minimize the criminal penalties surrounding drug possession.
As you’ll need assistance in the process of defense and avoidance of any prison sentences, contact an attorney for guidance. Our Midland Texas drug crime attorneys are experienced in defending cases detailing drug possession and believe in fair representation for all. Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. will advocate for you and assist in the avoidance of criminal charges whenever possible. If you’ve found yourself contending drug possession charges and need representation, contact our office by calling 512-474-2222 to set up a no obligation, free consultation.