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Lower Costs for Inmate Phone and Video Calls
In America, even if you are a convicted criminal you have certain rights. One such right is the ability to make phone calls while incarcerated. In an era where the news is often very negative, we are pleased to discuss a positive development: the costs of phone and video calls for inmates in Texas have recently lowered. This change is a big deal for families and inmates, making it easier for them to stay in touch. If you have been convicted of a crime and are concerned that your rights are being abused, speak with a skilled Austin, TX criminal defense attorney to find out how we can help.
How Does This Help?
Staying connected with loved ones is important for inmates. It helps them feel supported and can even help them behave better and prepare for life after prison. However, in the past, it could be costly for inmates to make phone and video calls, which could place extra financial strain on them and their families. Thanks to a recent FCC vote, that is going to change. There will now be a cap on how much these conversations can cost, doing away with previous exorbitant rates.
Reducing this cost is part of a larger effort to make the prison system fairer and more supportive. It shows that people understand how important it is for inmates to stay connected with their families and to get the support they need. Being able to maintain family bonds and friendships throughout incarceration is a good motivator for an inmate to seek rehabilitation and a source of optimism. It might even urge inmates to try to demonstrate good behavior with the hope of getting released earlier than expected.
It also means that defense lawyers can communicate with their inmate clients more frequently. This can help the inmates understand their case and work together with their lawyer to prepare a good defense. This, in turn, might have life-changing results since it could help the lawyer achieve the best possible outcome.
Schedule a Free Consultation with an Austin, TX Criminal Defense Lawyer
If you are convicted of a crime and sentenced to time in prison, it is important to make sure that your rights are still protected while you are incarcerated. A dedicated Midland, TX criminal defense attorney can speak with you to find out if they are and help fight on your behalf if they are not. At Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC., we are passionate about fighting in the best interests of our clients. Call us at 512-474-2222 to schedule a free consultation.