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Probation Violations in Texas

 Posted on June 21,2024 in Criminal Defense

TX defense lawyerWhen you get charged for committing a criminal offense in Texas, the judge can use her discretion when deciding what your punishment will be. For violent crimes that have resulted in serious damage or even fatalities, chances are that the judge will sentence you to a harsher punishment including years of incarceration. For first-time offenses and nonviolent crimes, judges sometimes show more leniency and might offer you probation instead of jail time. While you can feel relieved that you do not need to go to prison, there are several requirements and conditions you need to fulfill. If you fail to do so, you run the risk of being in violation, which is something you should take very seriously because your probation can quickly turn into a prison term. Today, we will examine how you should address accusations of violating your probation agreement. Of course, if you are in danger of facing such accusations, contact a dedicated Austin, TX criminal defense attorney to understand how best to protect yourself.

How Can You Violate Probation?

Anyone who is granted a probation deal is also given a set of requirements and conditions to uphold. Every probation agreement is unique so there is no set of conditions that everyone needs to adhere to, but some of the most common ones include the following:

  • Home visits
  • Regular check-ins with your probation officer, in person or over the phone
  • Verification of employment
  • Passing drug tests
  • Community service

Additionally, if you were charged with committing a crime that indicated some underlying issues, you might also be required to attend therapy, anger management courses, or substance abuse programs.

If you fail to meet any of the terms of your probation deal, you can be accused of violating it, and you might face jail time. If there is a valid reason you cannot fulfill any of the terms, always try speaking with your probation officer to see whether there is another solution.

What Happens When You Are Accused of Violating Probation?

If you are accused of violating the terms of your probation agreement, you might need to go through a couple of steps, which include:

  • Investigation: Your probation officer will review the accusations and decide whether the circumstances are enough to warrant a hearing.
  • Hearing: If the probation officer recommends exploring the accusations further, you can be summoned to a probation violation hearing. Several people might be asked for statements including you, your attorney, your probation officer, and the prosecutor. The judge will need to decide how to respond once he has heard everything. His options include issuing you a warning or revoking your probation, which most likely would mean you will be handed a prison sentence to serve. 

Schedule a Free Consultation with an Austin, TX Criminal Defense Lawyer

Being accused of violating your probation is a serious matter. Let a qualified Georgetown, TX defense attorney review our case and help you navigate this. Call Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. at 512-474-2222 to schedule a free consultation.

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