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Steps to Take Following a DWI Arrest
When a driver is arrested for DWI, it is understandably a very stressful–and sometimes frightening–experience, especially if it is their first time ever being arrested. Not only are your driving privileges at stake, but a DWI conviction can also have an impact on other areas of your life, as well. The steps you take immediately following your arrest can help improve the outcome of your case. The following recommendations are a brief overview of how you should proceed. A DWI defense attorney from our firm can provide you with more detailed information about your situation if you have been charged.
How You Can Help Your Attorney
After you are arrested for drunk driving, you will likely be released from jail while you await trial. There are likely stipulations that the court issued that are contingent with you remaining free until your case is resolved and it is critical that you follow those stipulations.
In order to prove that you are guilty, the prosecutor will be introducing evidence that they believe does just that. This may include results of any chemical tests you submitted to, as well as the testimony of the officer that arrested you.
Your attorney’s job is to throw doubt on any of the evidence that the prosecutor introduces. He or she will conduct their own investigation of the case, as well as gather their own evidence. You can help your attorney by recording important information.
Write Down What Happened Before, During, and After the Arrest
Sometimes, even what you may think is the smallest detail, may be the one that can help your case. It is important to provide your attorney with all the details of what led up to the arrest, what went on during the arrest, and what happened after the arrest. Writing down these details will provide your attorney with a complete picture of the events that took place. Some of the details you will want to include in your narrative are:
Where were you when the officer stopped your vehicle?
What questions did the officer ask you when they pulled you over?
How did you answer the officer’s questions?
Did the officer administer a breathalyzer test?
What did the device the officer used look like?
Did the officer appear to have any issues with the device or have difficulty using it?
Did the office conduct any field sobriety tests?
What were those tests and what was the outcome of the tests?
Along with your narrative of the arrest, you also want to provide your attorney with any witnesses you think will help your case. If you had anyone in your vehicle with you when you were arrested, it is critical that they speak with your attorney. They may be an important witness to your case, especially if they are able to contradict the arresting officer’s testimony.
Contact a Travis County Defense Lawyer for Legal Assistance
If you have been arrested for drunk driving, having an experienced and skilled Austin, TX DWI defense attorney advocating for you is critical to a positive outcome of your case. Do not delay in reaching out. Call Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. at 512-474-2222 today to schedule a free and confidential consultation and find out how we can help.