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Undercover Drug Busts and Sting Operations in Texas
In 1971, President Richard Nixon introduced a national initiative to stop the production, distribution, and consumption of illegal drugs. The so-called “war on drugs” has led to increased police efforts to stop the spread of illicit substances throughout the country. Undercover drug busts and sting operations are two tactics police may use to find and arrest individuals who manufacture and deliver drugs. If you or a loved one were arrested on drug charges after being part of an undercover police operation, it is important to understand and assert your rights.
Can Police Lie About Being Police?
Police may use sting operations in an effort to catch criminal suspects red-handed. In the context of an undercover drug bust, this usually involves police officers masquerading as drug dealers. Contrary to popular belief, police officers do not have to tell you that they are police. They are fully permitted to lie about their identity in the execution of a sting operation. Many sting operations involve a police officer posing as a drug seller. When the unsuspecting subject of the sting operation hands over cash in exchange for the drugs, officers drop the act, announce that they are police, and arrest the individual.
What is the Difference Between a Sting Operation and Entrapment?
However, there are some circumstances in which an undercover police operation crosses the line into “entrapment.” Entrapment occurs when law enforcement persuades or forces someone to commit a crime that he or she would otherwise not commit. Police officers may pretend to be drug dealers and offer drugs for sale. However, they cannot entice someone to commit a crime that the person was not already predisposed to committing. It is often hard to know the difference between a lawful sting operation and illegal entrapment. If you were arrested for a drug crime as a result of an undercover operation or sting operation, speak to a skilled criminal defense lawyer right away. If your attorney can prove that your drug charges were a result of entrapment, the charges may be dropped, and your case dismissed.
Contact a Texas Entrapment Lawyer
Criminal penalties associated with drug possession, manufacture, and delivery can be life-changing. If you or a loved one were charged with a drug-related offense, contact Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. right away. Do not answer police questions without your lawyer present. Call our Austin defense attorneys at 512-474-2222 for a free, confidential consultation.