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What Are the Penalties for a Sexual Assault Charge in Texas?
Some of the most serious crimes you can be charged with are sex crimes. In recent years, issues such as sexual assault, rape, and other types of relationship and interpersonal violence have been brought into the public spotlight, notably, through social media like the #MeToo movement, which encourages participants to share their stories. As a result, laws surrounding sex crimes have changed across the country. In Texas, sexual assault is a serious crime that can follow you for the rest of your life, affecting you even after your sentence has long passed. A skilled Texas sexual assault defense lawyer can help you understand the crime you have been charged with and the penalties that come with a conviction.
Defining Sexual Assault
If you have been arrested for sexual assault, you should understand what actually constitutes a charge for the crime you have allegedly committed. According to Texas law, a person commits sexual assault if they knowingly or intentionally:
Cause the penetration of the sex organ or mouth of another person without that person’s consent; or
Cause the sex organ of another person to contact or penetrate the mouth or sex organ of another person, including themselves.
A person can be charged with aggravated sexual assault if they knowingly or intentionally commit sexual assault and:
Cause serious bodily injury or attempt to cause the death of their victim or another person;
Cause the victim to fear death, serious injury, or kidnapping will occur;
Use or possess a deadly weapon during the offense;
Administer or provide an intoxicating substance to the victim to facilitate the crime; or
Act in conjunction with another person to commit the crime.
Potential Penalties for a Sexual Assault Conviction
In Texas, sexual assault is automatically a felony charge, which often results in prison time, along with other consequences. In most cases, a sexual assault charge is classified as a second-degree felony, which comes with a minimum of two years and a maximum of 20 years in prison, along with the potential of up to $10,000 in fines.
Aggravated sexual assault is a more serious charge, which is why it is typically classified as a first-degree felony, carrying a potential sentence of a minimum of five years and up to 99 years in prison, depending on the circumstances of the case.
Our Austin, TX Sexual Assault Defense Attorney Can Help
Even if you are simply arrested for a sex crime, you may experience backlash from your local community. At the Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC, we understand the penalties that come with a sexual assault conviction are more extensive than just criminal penalties. If you have been charged with sexual assault or any type of sex crime, you should speak with one of our skilled Midland, TX sexual assault defense lawyers as soon as possible. To schedule your free consultation, call our office today at 512-474-2222.