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What Can I Do if My Wife is Falsely Accusing Me of Child Abuse?
It is an unfortunate reality that false accusations of abuse involving children are made all the time for a variety of reasons. In situations where your wife is falsely accusing you of abusing your child, you need to take swift action to protect your legal rights. The first step in securing your legal rights is hiring a criminal defense attorney, as they will be crucial in defending your rights and reputation as a parent.
Steps to Take to Protect Yourself From False Allegations
First and foremost, it is essential to keep calm and rational. Emotions can run high in situations like this, requiring individuals to keep a firm grasp on their emotions during this challenging time. Exhibiting any adverse behaviors may make it appear as if you are someone capable of the abuse which you are accused of committing. Stay calm, and do not give law enforcement any additional reasons to think you may be the dangerous individual your spouse claims you to be.
It will then be prudent of you to obtain documentation from medical professionals, teachers, or other individuals who have regular contact with your child. These kinds of sources can be critical in cases of false accusations of child abuse. Furthermore, if charges against you are filed, these kinds of people may be called to testify regarding whether your child has exhibited any signs or symptoms of suffering from parental abuse. If there is no evidence of abuse and your child seems happy and healthy, this can go an extremely long way in refuting your wife’s claims.
In addition, even if you have not yet been arrested or charged with child abuse, consult with a criminal defense attorney, as you may be charged with the crime of child abuse if there is reasonable suspicion that you, in fact, have abused your child in any way. Speaking with an attorney before getting arrested can better prepare you for what the police may ask you when and if they ever do, arrest and charge you. On the other hand, if you are arrested and charged with child abuse, you need to immediately hire legal representation since your future as a parent and free citizen may be jeopardized.
Contact an Austin, Texas Criminal Defense Attorney
You need experienced Midland Texas criminal defense lawyers with Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. for aggressive legal representation. Call 512-474-2222 for a free consultation.