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What Can I Expect After a Third DWI Conviction in Texas?
Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is a serious offense in Texas, and the penalties increase with each subsequent conviction. If you are facing a third DWI charge in Texas and are concerned with the results if you are found guilty, contact a lawyer. DWI is highly frowned upon in the state, making legal representation imperative to any successful strategy to combat the charges.
Is a Third-DWI Conviction Considered a Felony?
Yes. Texas considers a third DWI conviction a third-degree felony. Unfortunately for the person charged, a conviction can result in two to ten years in prison and a driver’s license suspension for up to two years. You will likely be required to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle.
What is an Ignition Interlock Device?
Texas law mandates the installation of an ignition interlock device (IID) for individuals convicted of multiple DWIs. This device measures the driver’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and prevents the person’s vehicle from starting if the BAC exceeds a pre-determined limit. The IID requirement typically lasts for a specified period, such as one or two years. For those wondering if the cost of the IID will come out of their pocket, the answer is yes. The convicted individual will be responsible for the associated costs of installing the device.
The Baggage That Comes with a Felony Conviction
Of course, a considerable amount of baggage comes with being convicted of a felony and thus having a permanent criminal record. You will likely lose out on various job opportunities, housing applications, professional licensing, and other aspects of your life. It is crucial to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney to explore potential options to minimize the impact of your conviction.
Contact an Austin, TX, Repeat DWI Defense Attorney
A third DWI conviction in Texas carries catastrophic consequences that can irreparably impact various aspects of your life. Some potential outcomes are enhanced penalties, mandatory rehabilitation programs, ignition interlock device requirements, and a permanent criminal record.
It is important not to get down on yourself and remember that just because you have been charged and convicted of DWI before does not necessarily mean you are guaranteed to be convicted again. That being said, your situation is unquestionably dire, requiring swift legal action on your part. To put yourself in a more favorable position, the aggressive Midland, Texas, repeat DWI defense lawyers with Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC. can help. Contact us at 512-474-2222 for a free consultation today.