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What is Solicitation in Prostitution Offenses in Texas?
Prostitution-related offenses are taken quite seriously in Texas, and one specific offense that people should be aware of is solicitation. If you are facing charges related to soliciting prostitution, you need to do everything in your power to fight these charges. This starts with hiring a lawyer. While there are no true guaranteed outcomes in criminal law, hiring an attorney will at least make certain your rights are not trampled as you fight for your legal vindication.
How is Solicitation Defined?
Solicitation refers to the act of offering, agreeing to, or engaging in sexual conduct in exchange for a fee or other form of payment. In Texas, the act of soliciting prostitution is strictly prohibited.
Are Penalties in Texas Severe for Soliciting Prostitution?
If you are charged with solicitation in Texas, you will likely be facing a felony charge. As a result, a conviction of such an offense can be devastating. The consequence of a conviction may likely include jail time and fines up to $10,000. In cases where the person being solicited for prostitution is under the age of 18, the penalties for a conviction will be escalated, as it is considered a second-degree felony offense.
Do Defenses Exist for Solicitation Charges?
Yes. There are several defenses that may be available to people facing solicitation charges. Remember that if you are facing charges, you do not need to develop your own defense. That is where your lawyer comes in. Some common defenses include:
- Lack of intent – If the person did not have the intent to engage in sexual activities in exchange for money or another form of compensation, it may be possible to argue that there was no solicitation.
- Entrapment – This occurs when law enforcement officers induce or coerce the person into committing the offense. If this occurred in your situation, entrapment may be a viable defense. In this situation, it must be proven that the person would not have committed the offense if not for the actions of the officers.
- Lack of evidence – Challenging the evidence against the person, such as the credibility of witnesses or the legality of the search and seizure, can be an effective defense strategy as well.
Contact an Austin, TX, Criminal Defense Lawyer
Do not get it twisted. You have legal options if you are facing solicitation of prostitution charges. Contact the experienced Midland, TX criminal defense attorneys with Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC.. Call 512-474-2222 for a free consultation.