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What You Should Know About Stalking Charges in Texas
Have you been charged with stalking in Texas? If so, it is important to understand the charges and how to navigate the legal process. In this blog post, we will discuss what constitutes stalking in Texas, the potential penalties for a stalking conviction, and the steps you should take if you are arrested for stalking.
What is Considered Stalking in Texas?
In Texas, a person can be charged with stalking if they commit two or more of certain acts (including following someone in public or online) with intent to harass or intimidate another person. Additionally, these acts must cause substantial emotional distress to the other person. It is important to note that it does not matter whether the stalker intended to cause distress; only that they did cause the other person distress.
The Potential Penalties for a Conviction
If convicted of stalking, a defendant may face serious consequences including fines of up to $10,000 and a jail sentence of two to ten years. Additionally, a defendant may be required to attend counseling or anger management classes and may also be placed on probation for an extended period of time. A second conviction for stalking is punished even more harshly and has a maximum prison sentence of 20 years.
Steps To Take If You Are Arrested For Stalking
If you have been arrested for stalking in Texas it is important that you contact an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.
Your lawyer can provide advice regarding your best course of action going forward and ensure that your rights remain protected throughout the legal process. An experienced attorney can prepare any necessary documents needed during court proceedings such as plea agreements and sentencing recommendations.
Equally importantly, do not contact the person who has accused you of stalking. You may want to explain your side of the story, or even reach out to the person and apologize for the distress he or she experienced. However, calling, texting, or otherwise contacting the accuser can significantly worsen your situation and lead to additional criminal charges. It is best to avoid your accuser entirely.
Contact our Austin Criminal Defense Lawyer
If you or a loved one have been charged with stalking, work with a criminal defense attorney with the experience needed to present a robust defense on your behalf. Call our skilled Midland Texas criminal defense lawyers for help right away at 512-474-2222.