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Who Is Liable for Injuries in a Texas Slip and Fall Accident?
When you first hear that someone tripped and fell, you may not consider their injuries to be that serious. However, slipping and falling can cause serious or even life-threatening medical conditions. The severity of an injury often depends on where the accident took place and the type of surface, as well as the body part on which a victim landed. Although many people might think it would be the person’s own fault because they slipped or tripped, a negligent property owner may actually be responsible for causing harm if they failed to properly maintain their grounds. Understanding Texas premises liability law is important when filing a personal injury claim for injuries suffered in a slip, trip, and fall accident.
The Consequences of Slipping, Tripping, and Falling
Several factors may impact the nature of a slip, trip, and fall injury. Inclement weather conditions can cause surfaces to become slick and unstable. The recent winter storm that hit Texas wreaked havoc on roads as well as power grids. If the temperature drops, rain that accumulates can turn to ice. In addition, snow that is not removed in a timely manner from a parking lot or public space can hinder visitors’ or guests’ ability to safely maneuver in or around establishments such as restaurants, stores, offices, or apartment buildings.
A few of the most common types of injuries that can occur in a fall include:
Head trauma (traumatic brain injury, concussion)
Fractured or broken wrists, arms, hips, or legs
Spinal cord damage (partial or total paralysis)
Dislocated shoulder or knee
Sprained ankle
Proving Negligence in a Slip and Fall Accident
Under Texas premises liability law, if a person is injured by an unsafe condition on someone else’s property, the property owner may be held responsible for the injuries. It is important to note that this can also apply to the party who is responsible for maintaining the property. Examples of negligence include not repairing broken railings, decks, uneven or damaged sidewalks, burnt-out or inadequate lighting, and more. Security video camera footage may act as evidence that a hazard or danger existed on the property. If the owner knew about the potential risks to guests or patrons and did not repair it or post warnings about it, then they may be held liable for injuries the unsafe conditions caused to visitors who were legally allowed to be on the property.
Contact a Travis County Slip and Fall Injury Lawyer
If you or your loved one was hurt after slipping and falling, your injuries can range from minor to severe, and you may be able to recover damages, depending on the circumstances. A diligent Austin, Texas premises liability attorney can assist you in filing a claim against all of the negligent parties. At Morales Law Office, Attorneys at Law, PLLC., we have more than 50 years of combined legal experience, and we will fight for your rights and make sure you receive the compensation you need and deserve. Call us today at 512-474-2222 to schedule a free consultation.