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Who Pays for Damages in a Multi-Vehicle Crash or Pileup?
Multi-vehicle collisions or pileups are often especially complex from a legal perspective. For example, if a vehicle is rear-ended by another vehicle and the force of the impact causes that vehicle to strike a third vehicle, who is at fault? Does the driver of the second vehicle have to pay for the third vehicle's repairs? Is the driver of the first vehicle responsible for all of the damages? Is there some way of sorting out the responsibility among multiple parties?
If you or a loved one were injured in a crash involving multiple vehicles, consider reaching out to a car crash injury lawyer for help. You may have a legal claim against one or more of the involved parties. Your lawyer can explain the law and help you determine who is responsible for your medical bills, vehicle repairs, and other costs related to your accident. In some cases, you may be able to file a lawsuit if negotiations with other parties fail.
Who is At-Fault for an Accident Involving Multiple Vehicles?
Complicated accidents involving multiple vehicles are difficult to untangle and understand. A thorough investigation into the causes and contributing factors of the crash is often needed to determine who is liable for damages.
Evidence like vehicle damage, skid marks, and damage to guardrails and other property may offer clues regarding how and why the crash occurred. Eyewitnesses can provide important testimony about how the accident unfolded and who might bear responsibility. Video footage from dash cameras, traffic cameras, or security cameras can also be used to assess the cause of the accident. Your lawyer can obtain this type of evidence and use preservation letters or spoliation letters to ensure that the evidence is not lost or destroyed.
Most Insurance Claims and Injury Lawsuits are Settled Through Negotiation
In many cases, the process of determining who is liable for a multi-vehicle crash can be handled through negotiations with insurance companies. Sometimes, the responsible parties will be willing to negotiate a fair settlement amount that covers all of the costs associated with the accident. However, if negotiations break down, your attorney can advise you on whether it would be beneficial to file a personal injury lawsuit. There is still a chance that a settlement will be reached after a lawsuit is filed, but if the insurance company refuses to provide a reasonable settlement offer, the next step is a trial. If you are looking for a personal injury lawyer to represent you during a multi-vehicle collision claim, make sure you choose an attorney with extensive experience in settlement negotiations.
Contact a Midland Texas Car Crash Lawyer
Our Austin car accident injury attorneys provide aggressive legal advocacy for car accident victims. We can investigate your crash, gather evidence, communicate with the insurance companies, and help you seek maximum compensation for your damages.
Call 512-474-2222 for a free consultation.